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Allouis Christophe





Allouis Christophe
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione IRC-CNR
Via Claudio, 21  - 80125 Napoli (Italy)

Ph.+39 081 7622673
Fax +39 081 7622915

Curriculum Vitae
List of Publications

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Research Topics


  • Design and optimization of open fire place and pellet burner (P<50 kW) fuelled with traditional and renewable fuels;
  • Spray combustion;
  • Production optimization of nanoparticles for food integrator;
  • Low rank biofuels feasibility as fuels for micro and industrial gas turbine burner;
  • Combustion instabilities;
  • High pressure spray development for fire water mist;
  • Development of new optical diagnostics for industrial combustors.










Biographical Notes

Christophe Allouis graduated in engineering at Ecole Supérieure de l’Energie et des Matériaux, Orléans (F). He specialized in energy conversion and obtained his Ph.D with jury honours of the University of Orléans, after the discussion on Characterization Of Combustion Processes Of Rapeseed Oil And Its Blends With Alcohol As Liquid Fuels In Stationary Burners. Permanent researcher from 2001, he is mainly involved in the study of low carbon combustion systems, renewable fuels for energy production.



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