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Ammendola Paola







Paola Ammendola
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione IRC-CNR
P.le V. Tecchio, 80 - 80125 Napoli (Italy)
Ph. +39 081 7682237

Fax +39 081 7682262

Curriculum Vitae
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Paola Ammendola is an active researcher in the field of chemical reactors, technologies for processing granular solids, energy production from renewable sources and catalysis. Author of about 65 international publications in ISI Journals (about 1200 citations, h-index = 25 @ september 2020 – source Scopus), over 100 publications in Conference proceedings with international and national Peer Review Committee and 4 patents.

  • Development and use of fluidized bed reactors for clean energy production from fossil and renewable sources (hydrogen production by methane thermo-catalytic decomposition, catalytic gasification of biomass/waste, methane catalytic combustion, concentrated solar power with solid thermal storage)
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions by post-combustion capture (Temperature Swing Adsorption, Calcium Looping)
  • Thermo-chemical solar energy storage by looping processes
  • Set-up of innovative catalytic systems for energy (hydrogen production and conversion of tar from biomass pyrolysis)
  • Study of comminution phenomena during conversion (combustion/gasification) of solid fuels (biomass and coal) in fluidized beds
  • Characterization of products derived from biomass/waste/residues pyrolysis
  • Development of innovative fluidized bed configurations for industrial applications (fluidization and mixing cohesive powders promoted by acoustic fieds, metallurgical processes)


Paola Ammendola is now involved in the following national and international research projects:

  • Scientific and technological alliance for guaranteeing the European excellence in Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy – STAGE-STE (FP-7)
  • Solar Thermal Energy Solid Storage SOLTESS - PON - ricerca e formazione
  • CO2 capture and clean energy from fossil fuels (MSE)
  • SOlar Calcium-looping integRAtion for Thermo-Chemical Energy Storage (SOCRATCES) – Horizon 2020                    

Biographical Notes


Paola Ammendola received her degree in Chemical Engineering from the University Federico II of Naples (Italy) in 2003 and her PhD in Chemical Engineering from the same university in 2006. She had a post-doc research fellowship at the Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione from 2006 to 2010. She has a permanent position as researcher at the Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione since 2010. In 2017 Paola Ammendola received the National Scientific Qualification for Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering (D.D. n. 1532-29/07/2016) and in 2018 the National Scientific Qualification for Full Professor in Chemical Engineering (D.D. n. 1532-29/07/2016). She has been involved in different national research projects (FISR, PON, Accordo di Programma MSE/CNR) and research agreements (Riello, ENI, CSM) since 2006. She is now the scientific coordinator for IRC in the framework of the FP-7 project STAGE-STE (2014-2018) with reference to the topic of solar energy storage in fluidized beds and in the framework of the Horizon 2020 project SOCRATCES(2018-2020). Since 2014 she is the reference person for IRC on Open Government. Since 2015 she is member of the Board of the IRC as delegate of researchers. She is the reference person of several projects and sub-project/activities in the framework of CNR PdGP 2016-2018, 2017-2019, 2018-2020, 2019-2021. She is reviewer of many international journals in the field of chemical engineering and energy; she has been reviewer of different conferences in the field of fluidization and energy. She is member of the scientific specialists board of the Italian MIUR for the evaluation of national research projects (PRIN, SIR) since 2013. She is member of the reviewers board of CNR for the evaluation of research projects financed by Italian MiSE. She has been involved in training activities of researchers, she has been member of scientific committies of PhD students, she has been supervisor of several master degree theses and member of commissions for the recruitment of CNR. During her research activity Paola Ammendola has cooperated with different national and international research institutions or industries: Universidad de Sevilla (Spagna), Magaldi S.p.A., CSM S.p.A., University College London (UK), Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, ISTEC (CNR), Università degli Studi del Sannio, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fraunhofer Institute Munich (Germania), Sòphia High Tech s.r.l., e Nashira Hard Metals s.r.l.. She received scientific awards: i) Key-note lecture at the International Conference Fluidization XIV (2013); ii) Distinguished Paper in the Stationary Combustion Colloquium of the 34th International Symposium on Combustion (2013) ; iii) Invited speaker at the Workshop on Thermal biomass gasification in small scale of IEA Bioenergy Agreement on Thermal Gasification of Biomass (2014); iv) Co-Chair of the Colloquium “CO2 CAPTURE PROCESSES AND NEW CONCEPTS” of the 10th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium (2017), v) Co-Chair of the Colloquium “CO2 CAPTURE PROCESSES AND NEW CONCEPTS” of the 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium (2019).; vi) “Oscar Masi” Prize (ed. 2013) for industrial innovation awarded to the research team Tekne-fluff by the Associazione italiana per la ricerca industriale (Airi).

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