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Apicella Barbara



Senior Researcher

Barbara Apicella
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione IRC-CNR
P.le V. Tecchio, 80 - 80125 Napoli (Italy)
Ph. +39 081 7682254

Fax +39 081 7682262
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Research Topics


Barbara Apicella works in the field of Combustion chemistry and physics for low-environmental-impact processes. Author of 58 international publications in ISI Journals (about 947 citations, h-index = 21 @ January 2018 – source Scopus), over 100 publications in Conference proceedings with international and national Peer Review Committee.

In particular, the research interests of dr. Apicella are:

  • Sampling and analysis of combustion products and non-conventional pollutants.
  • Development and application of advanced diagnostic techniques, based on mass spectrometry, molecular beam, spectroscopy, chromatography and microscopy, in order to reveal single compounds or classes of pollutants from combustion systems in gas phases, aerosols and vapors.
  • Detection of combustion-generated fine and ultra-fine particulate from combustion systems and study of its formation mechanism and chemical-physical structure, strictly linked to its environmental and toxicological impact.
  • Characterization of heavy fossil fuels in terms of structure and pollutant emission in order to set-up chemical procedures for obtaining cleaner fuels.
  • Implementation of advanced microscopic and spectroscopic tools for the nanostructural analysis of diverse carbon materials.
  • Restructuring of carbon materials with thermal annealing by furnace and laser heating, and study of the heating-induced structural changes.
  • Relation between nanostructural properties and physico-chemical properties of nanocarbons.


Cenni Biografici


Barbara Apicella is a senior researcher of the Combustion Research Institute (IRC) of CNR since January 2010. She earned a MS degree “cum laude” in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Naples Federico II in 1996 and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the same University in March 2001, after a one-year contract at the Department of Chemistry of University of Naples. PhD thesis dealt with the study of particulate chemical structure by means of chemical and spectroscopic techniques.
In 2001, visiting scientist (with a Marie Curie grant) at Chemical Engineering Department of Imperial College of Science, Medicine and Technology in London.
Since 2003, visiting scientist  at eminent European research centers (Max-Plank Institute in Stuttgart, Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in London, Elettra- Sincrotrone s.p.A. in Trieste) as mobility grant owner or responsible of bilateral agreement projects.
Teacher in undergraduate and PhD education courses. Tutor and member of the scientific committee of several master degree thesis and PhD thesis in Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry at the University of Naples Federico II. Since 2013 she is responsible for IRC-CNR of Popular science activity.

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