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de Joannon Mara














Senior Researcher

Mara de Joannon
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione IRC-CNR
Via Claudio, 21  - 80125- Naples - Italy

Ph.+39 081 7622673
Fax +39 081 7622915


Curriculum Vitae


Research Topics


  • Gaseous and liquid fuel
  • New energy carrier
  • Advanced combustion technologies
  • Non intrusive optical diagnostics Combustion












Biographical Notes

Mara de Joannon is senior researcher at Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione of Italian National Research Council. She took her degree in Chemical Engineering (1994) at University Federico II of Napoli (Italy) discussing a thesis on formation of pyrolysis products in high pressure spray combustion. She was a grantee at IRC-CNR until 1996 then took the PhD degree in Napoli working on the chemical and spectroscopic characterization of high pressure spray.

She served as member of the advisory board of IRC-CNR and participated at several international and national research projects.

Her main scientific interest is focused on the study of advanced combustion process and technologies and the use of new energy carriers, with particular attention on MILD Combustion.

Since 2020 she is Fellow of the Combustion Institute and member of the CI since 1996.

Mara was the chair of the SMARTCATs Cost Action ( from 2015 to 2019, an European network of 30 countries, more than 80 participant entities, focused on the fundamental studies for exploitation of Smart Energy Carriers (SECs) in advanced combustion technology applications.

She is Associated Editor of the ISI journal The Proceedings of the Combustion Institute and served as Guest Editor for other ISI Journals as FUEL, Energy&Fuel and Frontiers.

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