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Di Somma Ilaria




Ilaria di Somma
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione IRC-CNR
P.le V. Tecchio, 80 - 80125 Napoli (Italy)
Ph. +39 081 7682225

Fax +39 081 7682262


Research Topics


Research activity of Ilaria Di Somma has been focused on safety assessment and prevention of hazards in industrial chemical processes, development of advanced oxidation processes, and analysis of photocatalytic processes. Ilaria Di Somma is author of more than 32 papers published in international ISI journals (about 158 citations, h-index=8 @ luglio 2014 – Scopus) and of 9 works presented in national and international congress on the following main research subjects:

  • Thermokinetic characterization of chemical systems during runaway phenomena and thermal explosion
  • Applications of the advanced oxidation processes to the removal of organic pollutants from water, wastewater and soils
  • Photoreforming of organics for hydrogen production








    Biographical Notes


    Ilaria Di Somma obtained the master (110/110) and the PhD both in Chemical Engineering from University of Napoli Federico II in October 2002 and in December 2006 respectively. From June 2003 to May 2004, she has been employed as research assistant at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the same University working on a project financially supported by the “Gruppo Nazionale per la difesa dei rischi chimico industriali ed ecologici” aimed at the thermokinetic characterization of hazardous materials. From November 2006 to October 2007, she has been employed by the “Consorzio Universitario CONPRICI” participating in a research project financially supported by the “Dipartimento della Protezione Civile” focused on emergency planning in areas characterized by the presence of industrial sites with high risk of relevant accidents. From October 2007 to June 2011, she has been working as post-doctoral researcher at the department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Napoli Federico II. She is currently a researcher of the Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione-CNR.

    Research activities of Ilaria Di Somma have been devoted to safety assessment and prevention of hazards in industrial chemical processes, development of advanced oxidation processes for the removal of organic pollutants from water, wastewater and soils and development of photocatalytic processes for hydrogen production.

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