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Landi Gianluca



Gianluca Landi
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione IRC-CNR

P.le V. Tecchio, 80 - 80125 Napoli (Italy)
Ph. +39 081 7682235

Fax +39 081 7682262


Curriculum Vitae
List of Publications


Research Topics


His main interest is devoted to the development of novel catalytic systems for energy and fine chemicals production, related to:

  • Catalytic combustion (under experimental conditions relevant for GT too);
  • Hydrogen production from fossil fuels (e.g. by partial oxidation) and renewable sources (eg. By water splitting);
  • Valorization of by-products and/or waste streams (glycerol, waste organic solvents);
  • Catalytic soot oxidation (DPF);
  • NOx catalytic abatement;
  • Development of novel catalyst formulations;
  • Development of structured multi-functional and hybrid catalytic reactors. 


He is author of about 35 publications on international journals (h-index=13; source Scopus @ February 2017) and more than 70 publications in international and national conference proceedings with peer review committee.

He operates in the following research projects::

Novel catalytic systems for H2-rich stream purification (FIRB2010 – MIUR)

CO2 capture and clean energy from fossil fuels –CNR-MSE joint program

Biographical Notes


Gianluca Landi (Naples, 13.06.1975) graduated with honors in Chemical Engineering in 1999 at the University of Naples Federico II, where he received his PhD in 2003; the supervisor of both thesis was Professor G. Russo. During his PhD he won a fellowship as part of the Marie Curie Training Site at the Institute de Recherches sur la Catalyse-CNRS (Lyon, France), where he carried out a part of his PhD under the supervision of dr. J.C. Volta for a year. After winning a scholarship and a research grant he won a competition for a researcher position at the Institute for Research on Combustion of the CNR (IRC-CNR) in July 2006; at IRC-CNR he works as permanent researcher since 2008. His expertise is related to the heterogeneous catalysis applied to innovative processes for energy and fine chemical production. He has been an invited speaker and chairman at international conferences. He has contributed to the process of evaluation of national and international articles, research projects and contributions to conferences. He was the national coordinator of a FIRB2010 project, funded by MIUR, on the purification of H2-rich streams (2012-2016).

He was adjunct professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Messina and teacher within the IFTS (Higher Technical Education and Training) project. He is tutor and member of the scientific committee of the PhD thesis; he is co-supervisor of over 20 graduation and master degree thesis in Chemical Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II. He was assesses with the National Scientific Qualification for Associate Professor in Industrial and Technological Chemistry.

Since 2004, he is married and has got the joy of children.

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