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Solimene Roberto



Roberto Solimene
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione IRC-CNR

Via Metastasio, 17 - 80125 Napoli (Italy)
Ph. +39 081 5931567

Fax +39 081 5931567


Curriculum Vitae
List of Publications



Research Topics


Roberto Solimene works in the field of chemical reactors, of combustion and gasification processes and of process technology of granular solids. His research interests are mainly related to two areas:

  • Combustion, gassification and pyrolysis of high-volatile solid fuels (e.g. biomass, sewage sludge) in fluidized bed reactors;
  • Hydrodynamics of bubbling, circulating and multiple interconnected fluidized beds.


His recent research activities regard:

  • Hydrodynamincs of slagging entrenied-flow coal gasifiers
  • Development of novel configurations of multiple fluidized bed systems finalized to chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling
  • Development of novel configurations of fluidized beds finalized to the conversion of concentrated solar energy into electric power and/or materials (chemical storage, solar fuels)


He has authored 22 publications in international journals (h-index=8; citations ca. 180 @ September 2014, Scopus) and over 50 publications in Conference proceedings with international and national Peer Review Committee.

Biographical Notes


Roberto Solimene, at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, received his Degree in Chemical Engineering in 1999, PhD in Chemical Engineering in 2003 and Post-doc fellowship 2003-2005. He is researcher at the CNR-IRC since 2006 (temporary position 2006-2007).

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