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Tregrossi Antonio






Coworker Technician

Tregrossi Antonio
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione IRC-CNR

P.le V. Tecchio, 80 - 80125 Napoli (Italy)
Ph. +39 081 7682540

Fax +39 081 7682262





Research Topics


Antonio Tregrossi main interest is devoted to the study of combustion processes with particular reference to devices for the production of energy and for transportation, powered by both traditional fuels and innovative fuels.
The main research activities are:
Study on the formation and the characterization of carbon particulate matter deriving from combustion and pyrolysis processes
Development and implementation of off-line diagnostics for carbon particulate matter characterization
Development and implementation of in-situ combustion diagnostics
Studies on the thermal treatment of the carbon particulate deriving from combustion



  • Laboratoty manager of Fi. Re. Lab (Laminar flames and Jet stirred flow reactors)
  • Manager for the conservation and rational use of energy
  • Manager of the IRC weather station within the CNR Project Energy+
  • Manager for the graphic design and editorial IRC products
  • Organizational manager of IRC popular science activities
  • Member of the board of IRC


Biographical Notes


Antonio Tregrossi is a chemical engineer. He got the MS degree at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Naples "Federico II" with full marks. Author of 61 international publications in ISI Journals (about 1600 citations, h-index = 25 @ July 2019 – source Scopus), over 100 publications in conference proceedings with international and national peer review committee, as well as conference proceedings books, research reports and technical reports. He has taught in undergraduate and master education courses and has been tutor and member of the scientific committee of several MS/BS theses in chemical, mechanical and aeronautical engineering.  Collaborates with numerous Italian and foreign institutions. He has been consultant for National Observatory on Waste and Neapolitan Energy and Environment Agency (anea). Member of organizing committees of several international and national conferences. Reviewer for international scientific journals. Member of The Combustion Institute and of the Association of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute (ASICI), he manages the contents of its web site. Antonio Tregrossi is also in charge of some IRC service activities.

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